Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy describes how handles your Personal Information when you visit or buy from us.
Collecting Personal Information
When you visit our website, we gather specific information about your device and how you use the site, as well as details needed for purchases. If you contact us for support, we may gather additional information. See below more informations.
Device Information
Purpose: Ensuring accurate loading of the Site and optimizing Site usage through analytics.
Source: Automatically collected via cookies, log files, web beacons, tags, or pixels when accessing our Site.
Disclosure: Shared with our processor Shopify for business purposes.
Personal Information: Includes web browser version, IP address, time zone, cookie details, viewed sites or products, search terms, and Site interaction.
Order information
Purpose of collection: To fulfill our contract obligations by delivering products or services, processing payment details, organizing shipping, issuing invoices and order confirmations, communicating with you, assessing orders for potential risks or fraud, and, in accordance with your preferences, sending you information or advertisements about our products or services.
Source of collection: Provided directly by you. Sharing for business purposes: Shared with our service providers Shopify and DHL.
Personal Information collected: Includes name, billing address, shipping address, payment details (such as credit card numbers), email address, and phone number.
Sharing Personal Information
We use Shopify to operate our online store. Find details on how Shopify handles your Personal Information here:
We might disclose your Personal Information to comply with relevant laws and regulations, respond to legal requests like subpoenas or search warrants, or safeguard our rights.
Behavioral Advertising                        
We use your Personal Information to provide you with customized ads or marketing communications that we believe will be relevant to you. For example:
We work with advertising partners to share your Site activity, purchases, and ad interactions across other websites. This involves sharing data directly or through cookies, based on your consent.
We use Shopify Audiences to display ads on other sites, targeting buyers from other Shopify merchants who may be interested. We also share your Site activity, purchases, and email addresses with Shopify Audiences for similar purposes.